Monday, September 24, 2007 is back

Just got an email from the owner of that the site is back after some issues have been resolved.
So at least one service for sending your confessions anonymously is back up and running!

John Deau

I don't think

I can do it anymore.

When we moved out of the flat we thought things would get better between us but they haven't. You tell me we are not a couple but yet you will want me to be there to pick you up form work, put the sheets on your bed and massage you etc etc.

What do I get in return, not much, yes I know you look after our son during the week when he is not at pre school but that's all you do, the housework is mainly left to me, weekends I have our son as you work every Sunday and two Saturdays a week. I am going to be changing the weekend habits and instead of me having to clean the house do the washing etc I am going to start taking our son on long day trips, where I don't know yet but that really doesn't matter, I hate having to be your lift or be at home for you/with you. you are the one that tells me we are not together anymore yet I still feel like we are and when I try to kiss you and take it further I get shot down in flames. You said that when you got the new place things would improve, in the house and the bedroom, they haven't, we have had sex once since we have moved in and that was a month ago and before that was another 6 weeks. I need sex and I want it with you but nothing happens.

I have realised that we will not be getting back together but I don't think you have. You need to and fast as I cannot do this any more.