Friday, December 7, 2007

It's been hard I know

but I really would like us to see someone about the lack of sex in our life.

Its been three/fours years now since we had a proper sex life and I don't thinkI can cope anymore.

Everytime I suggest we go you point blank refuse. Thank you for saying you will read the book I brought, but in the back of my mind I don't think you will actually read it.

The reason I want our sex life back is I am scared I will go and do something stupid with another girl. I have been having text conversations with a girl that I know and they have become very hot, I know that neither of us would get together but I am worried if I meet someone else when out on a weekend and things.

The trouble with the text's is that they get me so wound up that I want to ravish you when I get home from work, but I get no response from you or you tell me to stop it, hell I don't even get proper kisses from you and this is effecting me now.

I miss out closeness and touching and hugging etc but I love you with my whole heart that I want us to sort this out before anything stupid can happen.


Anonymous said...

Been there... it's rough... a vicious cycle of arousal and denial... and unless you are truly into suffering it's hell.

Know a woman who is a dominatrix and she said that pattern is the cruelest thing ever. Happens to both men and women in relationships. She said that it's one thing she couldn't stand.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for realizing that your mind in starting to wander instead of just acting on it. I wonder how many marriages could have been saved with just a small bit of counseling (I know mine could have).

So from someone who's been there. Talk to her about it. And if she won't listen, talk some more. Let her know the consequences of a failing marriage if she isn't willing to help you help each other.