Monday, March 10, 2008

A confession

Ok, honey, its time to come clean. I can't do that to your face, so
I'm doing it here.
You know that video tape we have, the one that has parts of our honeymoon
and other times of us banging? I showed it to my buddies. Yep. All of them.
They agree with me, too. You have a nice ass, and the nips are perfect. But
you could show a lot more enthusiasm when you suck it. Also, just so I’ve
put it all out here, I told them they could try you out, if they can talk
you into it. They have a $100 bet going who will be the first to yank your
panties off.
I can’t wait to see THAT video.
Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Awww, that was adorable! Not the tiniest bit believable, but a darling attempt nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Sorry its not believable, but its true. Actually, I have done worse. She put my nuts in vise grips for a couple of them. I would imagine she would go ahead with the threat of clamping down on them if she knew.
Not all husbands regard their wife as forbidden territory for others. She could use the practice.

Anonymous said...


female from NJ

Anonymous said...

I just hope you two haven't bred. (Of course you'll insist that the kids have no clue, yet MAGICALLY they'll go on to have their own chaotic relationships with horrible boundary issues.)

But if you don't have kids, hey, knock yourselves out.

Anonymous said...

Sorry once again, 5:52pm, but we already have, 3 wonderful, well adjusted kids, all three on the honor roll and well thought of by their classmates, teachers, and friends. And they all look like me, if you are wondering...and almost 2 decades of marriage. Just because I'm an oddball when it comes to boundaries, doesn't mean she takes advantage of it. One thing I have noticed, though, is that any time a guy notices and flirts with her, she starts thinking about whoopee, and her thinking about whoopee is a GOOD thing......

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, yes, I can see how that would be a good thing..
wish my wife was more like that.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get your movie.

Your wife sounds a lot of fun

Anonymous said...

Still looking for a guy like you... though I'd definitely clamp down on the nuts if there was ANY criticism about my performance on the video!

Anonymous said...

criticize video of a good looking woman with a smile on her face, and lust in her eyes? No way!

Anonymous said...

I find this funny. If it's true well then it's just awesome.. Good luck getting her to go along with it. So many people are uptight about marriage and sex these days. If you don't have some fun then one or both people will go looking elsewhere.... Here's a shocker.. I'm a woman saying this!

Anonymous said...

This is your wife.

I've done them all, just haven't told YOU.

They're all bigger.

Anonymous said...
