Thursday, May 10, 2007

I really

don't want another child.

Our son is three years old and will be going to school on two years time.

This means you can then go out and get a full time job and I won't have to struggle paying the bills and can enjoy myself and us as a family more.

I know that you have a part time job but that pays for your things and some of our sons


Anonymous said...

Have a vasectomy. She never has to know.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty extreme advice. Think of the ramifications of that deception.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we men in control of our bodies, just like women are in control of theirs? If he does not want another child, is it right to force another one on him?

Anonymous said...

I just dont understand human beings need to squat out ten million babies. Isnt the earth over populated enough already? Cant people just be happy to enjoy the money and freedom they have withotu fucking it up for five minutes?

Anonymous said...

Then abstain from sex !